How Visitor Management Systems Play Vital Role In Stemming Covid-19 Spread
Undeniably, the COVID-19 has put an unexpected halt on the world. Borders have shut down, flights have been stopped, tourism is not working, and people are locked inside their houses.
All across the world, people are quarantined to restrict the spread of this prevalent virus. With every passing day, the global number of positive cases and deaths have been increasing tremendously.
In such a scenario, governments are taking a variety of extreme steps to help citizens as much as possible. From a professional perspective, almost a majority of companies have allowed work from home methodology to be implemented.
Although such precautions can slow down the spread; however, they leave an adverse impact on the functioning of businesses. Additionally, a question that still lingers in everybody’s minds is – what will happen post lockdown? How will businesses carry their operations amidst the pandemic? How many years will it take to get back to normal? Or is the normal going to come back?
Even if these questions cannot be answered just yet, one of the essential precautionary steps is to make sure people entering a building are not infected. And, indeed, with this aspect, a visitor management system can work astonishingly.
If still dubious, in this post, let’s find out how visitor management system plays a vital role in stemming COVID-19 spread.
Allowance to only Authorized Visitors:
Once the lockdown is lifted over and the world takes baby steps to move forward, utmost cautiousness would have to be implemented as far as guests and unwanted visitors are concerned.
Since it is quite difficult for an organization or an office set up to keep an eye on everybody coming in, an adequate visitor management system turns out to be the rescuer. With this system, the authorities can provide a check-in facility for every employee and a reasonable visitor.
In this way, the spread of the virus can be decreased to a certain level as there would be no intruders stepping the premises.
Pre-screening of Visitors and Employees:
The impact of this virus is going to stay back for a bit longer. Thus, employees and visitors should be adequately vetted to decrease the spread. This can easily be done by putting out a form for the staff to fill up and maintain the information in one database.
The primary objective behind this step is to have an eye on those who could be a suspicious lot. For instance, with a form directly filled by the relevant person, it becomes easier to understand who has traveled abroad recently or who has been in contact with an infected person. Even if things take a misfortunate turn, authorities will always know whom to contact directly.
Touchless Check-Ins:
Considering that the world is experiencing social distance currently, experts believe that the same would have to be implemented for at least two more years. Keeping that in mind, touchable check-ins pose an equal threat in comparison to a positive person on the road.
Therefore, having backed by an appropriate visitor management software can help you integrate touchless check-ins. The staff and frequent visitors would be able to enter the building through eye scanning.
Not just that, but several systems also send a QR code on the person’s device that allows them to enter the building. This, in itself, is an essential step to be taken by every organization that has thousands of staff members.
Flexible with Other Security Systems:
The accurate visitor management system, integrated with an advanced API, is going to fit well with additional security systems and elements in the premises as well. In terms of additional verification at the digital reception, video systems and ID scanning can work wonders.
Along with that, access to the control systems can also be restricted and provided only to authorized individuals.
Wrapping Up:
COVID-19 is definitely going to bring significant changes and alterations to the world. Once the situation has settled enough, organizations, offices, and other buildings are not going to have much of a choice than to implement a visitor management system to instill confidence in employees and streamline the workflow.
Therefore, if you are responsible for regulating a mass gathering on a daily basis, try piLOBI, a VMS that can help you navigate through and limit the spread of this dangerous virus amongst your premises.